South Bay Singers

for Gilroy, Morgan Hill and Hollister

Rehearsal: Tuesday evenings 7 pm 
Contact phone number: (408) 858-2222

If we're not available when you call, please leave a message with your name, phone number and ask for more information about the South Bay Singers. 

The South Bay Singers began as the Gavilan College Choir and functioned under the baton of Phil Robb for 15 years. Robb retired from the choir in 2011 and passed the baton on to Brant Ruggles. It was during this time that budget cuts from the State of California made it difficult for Gavilan College to continue to support a choir and, in 2012, the choir was moved from the regular college curriculum to the Community Education department. 

​The choir functioned in Community Education until 2012, when it was decided to form an independent community choir. Under Brant’s leadership and with the help of its board of directors, the Gavilan College Choir became the South Bay Singers and continues its growing reputation for excellent work and acts as one representative of the rich arts community that is present in the Southern Santa Clara Valley.  

​During Brant’s tenure, South Bay Singers performed such works as Rutter’s Magnificat and Vivaldi’s Gloria, as well as a salute to musical theater with some of the most beloved songs of all time from musicals past and present. As Brant moved into retirement he passed the baton to member Kathy Esteves-Bates, whose initial performance as conductor was Spring Songfest 2022 just as performing groups were re-emerging after the COVID shutdown.  The concert proved an enormous success, as did our ‘Welcome, Christmas!’ first post-shutdown holiday concert in December 2022 and our subsequent Spring Songfest in 2023.  Kathy is stepping down as director and re-joining the ranks of singers. Jonathan Souza joins SBS as Artistic Director and Conductor for our Spring 2024 semester.

​Our choir is made up of a diverse group of volunteer singers from southern Santa Clara County and many surrounding communities. Our membership includes professional musicians and music educators, as well as nurses, teachers, students, retirees, homemakers, and others. As it continues into the future, the music director, board of directors, and members of South Bay Singers look with excitement to continuing performances and presenting great choral literature that brings joy to all in attendance.

Contact Information
